Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Richard Branson Magic Eight Ball: What Would Richard Branson Do (WWRBD)?

The brave may not live forever – But the cautious do not live at all” 

There are times in every leader’s life when they could use a little guidance from above, or in this case, from across the pond. I’m currently writing a chapter on heroes and someone who is definitely perched in my top five list of greatest leaders is Sir Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group with over 400 companies in his command. I often think to myself in tricky situations (or when I just want to have fun), What Would Richard Branson Do (WWRBD)?

I’m giving Santa and his elves a head start to (1) send me on a trip to Necker Island (Richard’s luxurious abode in the British Virgin Islands) and (2) to create a magic eight ball for everyday use when I’m not hanging out with Richard, or “RB” as I like to call him.

The magic eight ball quotes are all based on things RB has actually said. So, to quote RB, screw it, let’s do it!

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is a Richard Branson Magic Eight Ball (and a trip to Necker Island).  To help out your elves, here’s what a normal magic eight ball would say, and to the side, is Richard Branson’s version:

Regular Magic Eight Ball 
• Signs point to yes.
 • Yes.
 • Reply hazy, try again.
 • Without a doubt.
 • My sources say no.
 • As I see it, yes.
 • You may rely on it.
 • Concentrate and ask again.
 • Outlook not so good.
 • It is decidedly so.
 • Better not tell you now.
 • Very doubtful.
 • Yes - definitely.
 • It is certain.
 • Cannot predict now.
 • Most likely.
 • Ask again later.
 • My reply is no.
 • Outlook good.
 • Don't count on it.

WWRBD Magic Eight Ball 
• Do what you want!
• Follow your gut.
• Never get the accountants involved.
• Learn and start again.
• Be true to yourself and your ideas.
• You will make mistakes.
• Enjoy every minute.
• Learn by doing.
• Have fun!
• Invest.
• Take flight!
• Keep it simple.
• Use your emotions.
• Question authority.
• Follow your passions.
• Screw it. Let’s just do it!
• What’s the most amazing way to do it?
• Lick your wounds and get up.
• Take the best. Leave the rest.
• Trust and get out of the way.

I'm sure some other kids at heart would love this for x-mas too.

With all my love,

Who inspires you? When in doubt, or making an important decision, be surrounded by their message.

PS: No offense to any accountants (see the last quote below for the full spiel). We do need you! Just not in the beginning...

The Richard Branson Quotes That Inspired the Magic Eight Ball:
·       “Some 80% of your life is spent working. You want to have fun at home; why shouldn’t you have fun at work?”
·       “Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make something complicated. It is hard to keep things simple.”
·       “A company is people … employees want to know… am I being listened to or am I a cog in the wheel? People really need to feel wanted.”
·       “I don’t think of work as work and play as play. It’s all living.”
·       “Most necessary evils are far more necessary than evil.”
·       “Engage your emotions at work.  Your instincts and emotions are there to help you.”
·       “You can never go too far wrong by thinking like a customer who’s new to the business.”
·       “You shouldn’t blindly accept a leader’s advice.  You’ve got to question leaders on occasion.”
·       “I believe that drudgery and clock-watching are a terrible betrayal of that universal, inborn entrepreneurial spirit.”
·       “The time to go into a new business is when it’s badly run by others.”
·       “There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions – in a way that serves the world and you.”
·       “Screw it, let’s just do it.”
“You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.
·       “With the casino and the beds, our passengers will have at least two ways to get lucky on one of our flights.
·       “Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.
·       “To me, business isn't about wearing suits or pleasing stockholders. It's about being true to yourself, your ideas and focusing on the essentials.
·       “One thing is certain in business. You and everyone around you will make mistakes.”
·       “My general attitude to life is to enjoy every minute of every day. I never do anything with a feeling of, 'Oh God, I've got to do this today."
·       “My philosophy is that if I have any money I invest it in new ventures and not have it sitting around.
·       “The balloons only have one life and the only way of finding out whether they work is to attempt to fly around the world.
*I never get the accountants in before I start up a business. It's done on gut feeling, especially if I can see that they are taking the mickey out of the consumer.

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